TUESDAY NET 20:00 Eastern

WorldLink-Digital is hosted by the VE3ORF/3730 Amateur Radio Group. The group started over 17 years ago with an HF NET on 80 meters. The NET was and is at 21:00h eastern time or 01:00 UTC on or around 3730 MHz. About 5 years ago the group began experimenting with the digital modes, That's when the Digital Net was born. After seeing what the digital modes can do especially during times of tough conditions on HF we started running a digital NET.

The VE3ORF group has a keen interest in the digital modes and are working on linking as many of the digtial modes as possible. We like the QSO's the happen on digital which usually end in a meaningful conversation rather than just a quick signal report. Our digital net happens every Tuesday at 20:00 eastern time or 00:00 UTC through anyone of the linked systems.