
The VE3ORF/3730 Group

Promoting the use of Amateur Radio!

The VE3ORF / 3730 Group has been around for over 10 years. Our goal is to help promote the use of Amateur Radio. We believe in promoting the hobby (Service) by being very active in just about every aspects of it. Digital Technology, SSB nightly nets, repeater use, weak signal vhf SSB, AM, QRO, QRP etc. Our focus is on both Technical and Social aspects while exploring the many opportunities Amateur Radio has to offer. You can find us on 3730 nightly at 9:00 PM ET and on our repeater system VE3ORF Located In beautiful downtown Ottawa . We offer 3 Digital Long Range Repeaters. WE also have a 220 MHZ Digital Repeater Gateway. The system is also linked to a 900MHZ repeater. We hold our meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at Time Out Pub and Grille at the corner of Meadowlands and Fisher in Ottawa. Supper starts at 5:30 and is followed by our round table /social Meeting at 7:30. We have a wide range of enthusiasts in the hobby that share a common idea. "A LOVE AND PASSION FOR RADIO" Feel free to sign up and contribute to the site.


                                                                      The VE3ORF / 3730 group.


Email :

Website : VE3ORF.CA

Phone :   (123)456 - 789000


                OTTAWA, ONTARIO




Mike is a very active ham in Ottawa, Canada, and enjoys ham radio through rag chewing on 80 meters, collecting vintage rigs, participating in his ham clubs, and helping new radio amateurs become successful hams. Mike is also a musician, a member of the Myer Brothers Band, and shares his interest in tube type guitar amplifiers.



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